Monday, June 21, 2010


Wowwww! Okay. So if you are an avid follower of the Muzz, this might/might not come as a bit of a shock to you, but... ANDY MURRAY CHANGED HIS WEBSITE! :O

So have a look. Personally I think it is awesomer now especially with the in-between-page graphics (tennis courts!) and the way that it just looks pretty damn awesome. Good job, Andy Murray's tech crew! I love it :)

But anyway, let's move onto the good stuff... Get me my SW19 boost!


It's getting close people. We're talking less than 10-hours close...
In which case, have a look at the Wimbledon Trailer for 2010.

AHAHAHA is it just me or does the Scottish-sounding voice at the end crack you up or what? :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

No love

Apparently vuvuzelas are now officially banned from Wimbledon. Not that anyone in England actually HAS vuvuzelas and WOULD bring them to Wimbledon anyway... Seriously? I didn't even think vuvuzelas would be a huge issue for Wimbledon anyway.

But come on. After seeing these little kiddies...

Pre-Wimby Party

Wooo! Recently, the lady ballers of the WTA kicked off their tennis shoes and put on their high heels as they attended the WTA Pre-Wimbledon Party of 2010. Match highlights?

She is so pretty. Why is she so pretty? I'm pretty sure this is unnatural, right?

I have to admit... I'm not the hugest fan of Serena really. But then again, I'm not a Rere-hater. She looked pretty awesome at the party. Just.. WHOA.. on the heels.

Venus toned her look down a bit and opted for white. She looked really good. Oh, and did I mention she also turned 30 while looking this awesome? Happy Birthday Venus :)

Not bad, Dina. Not bad. But where's the colour?! I'm so used to seeing pink on you!

Okay, Ana Ivanovic just looks like a disco ball. Seriously? This is what happened to her website...

Awww you look pretty damn awesome, Anne! Awesome dress! Platform shoes! Too bad I can't actually spell your name properly... Anne Keaothavangong..?

Best accessory in da house!

Hey Mum; look, Sex and the City's on TV!

And how does this make you feel?

...Slightly umm.. confused? Ah well. Now that Wimby 2010 is coming up I guess we can afford to look to the millions of Tennis Apparel and Racquet ads coming up, yeah? But you gotta love that couch. Nice!

Oh... and just a little side note, Roger; don't ever give up your day job. I don't think really think acting's your "thing"...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


OMG OMG OMG. OMG. COOLVIDEO COOLVIDEO COOLVIDEO COOLVIDEO. COOLVIDEO! This awesome ad for Head Tennis just makes me love Andy Murray more and more...

"Andy Murray brings his tennis magic to the streets of London in preparation for the 2010 Wimbledon tournament. Definitely seems he has got the right touch also off the court."

Damn right. Andy Murray is awesome full stop.

Monday, June 14, 2010


And I say hey! *Hey* You're back! And just in time for Wimbledon.

Aw. I missed you :)

I'm sorry.. wha?

What... the... heck.

Okay. So anybody that follows the WTA Tour would know that Sony Ericsson is not renewing their name-sponsorship of the tour as of the end of this year... but rumour has it that the WTA has picked up a new name-sponsor; PEAK!

In case you didn't know, PEAK is apparently a Chinese Sports Brand like Erke and Anta. That's sort of all I know about it. Nothing else really...

But seriously.. whatthecrap is PEAK? I mean, I've got nothing against the brand. It's just that I don't really want to say the 'PEAK WTA Tour' because I think that just sounds really weird. Sorry.

So I'm sorry if you like the name. I, myself, cannot get my head around it. Just please please please don't change the ATP World Tour.


Oh, and nothing too flash in Birmingham. Seeds held their place as Na Li defeated Sharapova. And none of that bitchy-type-stuff whatsoever. Yays! We-za-happee!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Once again, I repeat - Aheh.
Lleyton Hewitt.. defeated Roger Federer.. in 3 sets.

Yeah.. I can't really say I'm surprised. But despite that, I'm still a tiny bit surprised. Roger hasn't really been perfect in form leading up to Halle especially with that loss in Roland Garros, but still. I didn't really think Lleyton Hewitt was thattttttt great. No offence...

At least Roger wasn't tooooo upset/pissed about it, right?
I mean, his John McEnroe expression sucks.


Gah. Sam Querrey won Queens - 76 75. I guess I sorta would've preferred him winning it over Mardy Fish, but still... it is definitely not as cute as Andy Murray last year :(

Also, he now has a title on all 3 surfaces - Hard, Clay and Grass - this year. Great. Soon enough, he'll hailed as a dark horse for Wimbledon. Apsht. Like I'd want that happening.

I'm still gonna be rooting for this guy, no matter what his chances are :)

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Mhmm yeah - work it baby! Work it!
... Actually, why is Nole the sensible one in this picture?

Hyah, hyah! Go cowboy, gooo!!!

Give it to the Serbians to know how to celebrate like a pair of donkeys. Nole and Erhlich defeated Beck and Skoch to take home this year's Queens Club Doubles Trophy.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


WTF: in case you didn't know, it's my reaction to this.

Seriously? WTF! WTF IS THAT! I'm especially annoyed at hearing this too.. seriously. Drama queen! FISH = #$*Q)*%#YQ#%*)*)(*)! Okay first he knocked out the Murray Bros. with Knowles, and now this?! Including that incident that happened during Miami?

I'm annoyed. Really annoyed.

Top seeds are dropping like flies - first Roddick, then Djokovic, Cilic (well.. what can you do about them?), then Muzza and lastly RAFA (although I think some rest would do him some good). Which again brings me to my previous point - WTF!


But anyway... let's move away from that. Queens is just one of the most bizarre tourneys this year let's face it... but I also thought you guys should see this. It's a vid of Andy Murray's new ad for Malaria No More - Nets Needed.

Great cause. I love you Andy. And I love your tricks :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ana's Wimby Dress

Is the fist pump like a permanent thing now, or what?

Ana's website has revealed what she'll be wearing during this year's Wimbledon. My thoughts..? Not bad. I mean.. it's not totally breathtakingly awesome as such, but considering what the team at adidas have to work with, I guess it's not a totally bad design. At least it doesn't hurt the eyes...

Apparently if the English Weather gets a bit chilly, she can add the leggings to the dress. Again, not bad. But after browsing around Ana's website a bit, I do hope she'll never have to wear those pink leggings again o.o Seriously, is anybody else agreeing with me here?

What do you think?


No more

Andy + Jamie lost - 36 36 to Mardy Fish and Mark Knowles.
Aw shucks. No more of that Murray-2-for-1-coupon-cuteness.
Andy also has Fish in the 3rd round of Queens. Revenge?


Too cute

It's like Judy Murray found a discount at the Tennis Warehouse and just HAD to get the "Buy-one-get-one-free-" offer. Awwwww! But as well as that, they did manage to get through to the next round with a convincing straight set win over Querrey and.. Lipsy?

And thankyouthankyouthankyou Jamie Murray, for getting that huge poodle/bird's nest/John McEnroe impression/fake afro-wig-thing SHAVED OFF. Much better! :)

Well... you're obviously pleased about something! ;)

Oh so THAT'S why you're so happy now! I getcha, buddy.

Andy Murray d. Ivan Navarro - 76 63. Phew... Good job! Because for a moment you sorta had me ever-so-slightly worried there... :S

Aw you cutey! :) GOOD LUCK.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


A wise, old, compatriot once told me:
"Why have abs, when you can have KEbabs?"

I take one quick look at Amelie Mauresmo and... I don't know what to think anymore...
Seriously. She has abs even when she's retired and I don't think she's even trying.
Whoa. Just.. Whoa. *Shakes head slowly*


I love grass. The green. The awesome. And I love strawberries and cream.
One day, when I'm old enough and independent enough, I will visit Wimbledon. But for now; I fantasise.

However, I do know the following -

Birmingham: Robbie won a match! Yay! Woots! After her opponent retired with a lower back injury or something.. but who cares. Also a whole lotta other people won who I'm not bothered to look up. I'm not that stuffed.

Queens: Andy and Jamie made it through in doubles! Aww. What a cute pairing :) Annnd that's sorta it. Tournaments have gotten started but not much from what I hear because of the English Rain. Ha. But I also do know that Ferrero Rocher and Baghdatis are out of Queens. Already. Suck.

Other than that; looks like players are getting in shape!

A-Rod trying to win a record 567-millionth AEGON Championship and a Wimbledon.

And other players getting in shape for grass include Rafa, who apparently practiced in the rain because he arrived at London later than the others or something? Didn't even get to change his shirt :O .. All in a day's work I guess.

Grass-court season? I love it.



Clean-shaven Andy Murray? I like.
Muzza + Grass? I like.
Blue tape on knee? I don't like.

Dear Andy.
I love you dearly and all.. but PLEASE.. PLEASSSEEE...
..Please win Wimbledon :)
That is all.

Au revoir :(

I'm going to miss you.

A tout a l'heure!
*Sigh*... Guess we'll be heading to the green now?

Monday, June 7, 2010


Rafael Nadal d. Robin Soderling - 64 62 64

Just in case you didn't know.
...Butttt I'm pretty sure you did. You know.

It was meant to happen. Sooner or later.
If it didn't; the balance of the tennis world would just be destroyed.
Absolutely destroyed.

Oh, and Rafa retakes the No.1 Ranking once again. From Roger.


PLUS: Don't you ever feel just slightly awkward whenever you see a guy eat a banana?

Psht. Scrap that. WE LOVE YOU RAFA!!


Francesca Schiavone d. Samantha Stosur - 64 76(2)

This makes me sad. Like, genuinely sad.
Wanna know why?

...Because I'm Australian. And finding out that Sam Stosur - our "shining beacon of light" and hope for Australia - got defeated in 2 tight, close sets makes me really want to punch Roland Garros in the face.

I've really got nothing else to say.
Just. Poo.

But congratulations are in order to you too, Fran. Kiss it, hug it, cradle it, fist-pump about it all you want. I just hope that next year is Sam's year.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bring it.

Um. Yay!
I mean... being a fellow Oz myself... I think I'll be rooting for the other contender?
But hey; congratulations to Fran too for getting into her first slam final! :)



Good Luck Sammy! Here's to wishing you all the best on the clay xx

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Roland Garros Wrap-up

Bonjour mes amis!
J'adore Andy Murray :) You know.. just putting it out there.

Ahh... it feels good to be back. Especially WITHOUT exams ;)
So thank goodness that's over. But one extreme downside is missing out on a huuuuuuuuge chunk of what seems to have been an awesome Roland Garros D:
And just when I was getting so hyped up about it? DAMN.

But anywho; here's some of the highlights (and the lowlights) from Roland Garros 2010 -

Phew! Now you're caught up, yeah?
So what's next?

Men's singles semi-finals:
Robin Soderling [5] vs. Tomas Berdych [15]
Rafael Nadal [2] vs. Jurgen Melzer [22]

Women's singles finals:
Samantha Stosur [7] vs. Francesca Schiavone [17]

It's gonna be a huge weekend, folks. Huuuge.